Electrical and Electronic Technology – 15
Electrical Technology: Electrical components, voltage, current, Ohm’s Law, Electrical power and energy, Electromagnet and magnetic field, electromagnetic induction, Circuits Breakers, GFCI’s and Fuses, Power Distribution and Series circuit, Voltage Sources in a Series, Kirchoff’s Voltage Law, Voltage Division in a Series Circuit, Interchanging Series Elements, Voltage Regulation and the Internal Resistance of Voltage Sources, Parallel Resistors, Parallel Circuits, Power Distribution in a Parallel Circuit, Kirchhoff’s Current Law, Open and Short Circuits, Generation of AC and DC voltages, thermal, hydraulic and nuclear power generators. Electric motors and their applications.
Transformers, AC transmission and distribution, Electrical instruments, voltage stabilizers, IPS and UPS
Electronics Technology: Electronic components, analog and digital signals, analog electronic devices, amplifiers and oscillators, resistance, types of resistors, conductance, ohmmeters, Capacitance, Capacitors, Inductors, Inductance, Sinusoidal Alternating, Waveforms, Frequency Spectrum, The Sinusoidal Waveform, General format for the sinusoidal Voltage of current, Phase Relations, The Basic Elements and Phasors, Response of Basic R,L and C, Elements to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current, Frequency Response of the Basic Elements, Average Power and Power Factor, Complex Numbers, Rectangular Form, Polar Form, Conversion between Forms, Impedance and the Phasor Diagram, Introduction to 3 phase Systems, Elementary Concepts of Generation, Transmission, and Distribution, Various Levels of Power, Basic Concepts of Transformers, radio, television, and radar. Digital devices and digital integrated circuits, impact of digital integrated circuits, counters and digital display devices, digital instruments