Alfred Tennyson
|Alfred Tennyson, was Poet Laureate of Great Britain and Ireland (সভাকবি)during much of Queen Victoria’s reign and remains one of the most popular British poets.
তাঁকে ভিক্টোরিয়ান যুগের Representative বলা হয়। তিনি William Shakespeare কে Dazzling Sun উপাধি দিয়েছিলেন।
Much of his verse was based on classical mythological themes, such as Ulysses, although In Memoriam A.H.H. was written to commemorate his friend Arthur Hallam, a fellow poet and student at Trinity College, Cambridge, after he died of a stroke at the age of 22.
Tennyson also wrote some notable blank verse including “Idylls of the King”, “Ulysses”, and “Tithonus”.
উল্লেখ যে James Joyce এর একটি উপন্যাসের নাম Ulysses.
Notable list of Tennyson’s works
Ulysses-Mythological Poem
In Memoriam – Elegy on the death of his friend Arthur Hallam. (40তম বিসিএস প্রিলিমিনারি)
Tithonus– ট্রয় নগরীতে জন্ম গ্রহণ করেন। মর্তের মানুষ হয়েও বিয়ে করেন স্বর্গের ঊষা দেবী Aurora কে।
Oenone– Daughter of River God; Cebren
Ring Out, Wild Bells– A poem
The Eagle (poem)
Idylls of the King– retells the legend of King Arthur
The Lotos-Eaters: The poem describes a group of mariners who, upon eating the lotos, are put into an altered state and isolated from the outside world.
The Lady of Shalott”/strong> is a ballad
Locksley Hall-the poem represents “young life, its good side, its deficiencies, and its yearnings”.
Morte D’Arthur – এই কবিতায় পৌরাণিক তরবারি Excalibur( is the legendary sword of King Arthur)এর উল্লেখ আছে।
1. ‘Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all.
2. Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.
3. The old order changeth, yielding place to new. – Morte D’Arthur (40তম বিসিএস প্রিলিমিনারি)