
Functional Key Shortcut

F1 key Get help or use the Office assistant.

Shift + F1 Context sensitive help.

F2 Key Move text or image.

Shift + F2 Copy Text.

F3 Key Insert an autotext entry.

Shift + F3 Change the case of the selected text.

F4 Key Perform last action again.

Shift + F4 Perform a Find or Go to action again.

F5 Key Displays the Go to dialogue box, from here you can also Find and Replace.

Shift + F5 Move to a previous revision.

F6 Key Go to the next frame or pane.

Shift + F6 Go to the previous frame or pane.

F7 Key Launch the Spell checker.

Shift + F7 Launch the Thesaurus.

F8 Key Extend the current selection.

Shift + F8 Shrink the current selection.

F9 Key Update the selected fields.

Shift + F9 Switch between a field code and its result.

F10 Key Activate the menu bar.

Shift + F10 Display a Shortcut Menu. Same as right-clicking.

F11 Key Go to the next field.

Shift + F11 Go to the previous field.

F12 Key Save file As, equivalent to tools menu.

Shift + F12 Save document, equivalent to tools menu.

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