A list of Suffix

–al having characteristics of remedial, denial
–ed past-tense verbs traveled, talked
–en made of, consisting of wooden, golden
–er, -est comparative stronger, strongest
–ity quality of humility, enormity
–less without hopeless, homeless
–ly characteristic of brotherly, lovely
–s, -es more than one apples, trenches
–tion, -ion state of being, condition completion, relation
-able, -iblecapable of beingedible, fallible, incredible, audible
-ableable to, having the quality ofcomfortable, portable
-acystate or qualitydemocracy, accuracy, lunacy
-alrelating toannual comical
-alhaving the form or character offiscal, thermal, herbal, colonial
-althe action or process ofremedial, denial, trial, criminal
-ance, -encestate or quality ofnuisance, ambience, tolerance
-atebecomemediate, collaborate, create
-domplace or state of beingfreedom, stardom, boredom
-enbecomesharpen, strengthen, loosen
-er, -orperson or object that does a specified actionreader, creator, interpreter, inventor, collaborator, teacher
-ercomparativebigger, stronger
-esquein a manner of or resemblingpicturesque, burlesque, grotesque
-estsuperlativestrongest, tiniest
-fulfull ofbeautiful, grateful
-fulnotable forhandful, playful, hopeful, skilful
-ibleforming an adjectivereversible, terrible
-ic, -icalhaving the form or character ofpsychological, hypocritical, methodical, nonsensical, musical
-ify, -fymake or becomejustify, simplify, magnify, satisfy
-ilyforming an adverbeerily, happily, lazily
-ingdenoting an action, a material, or a gerundacting, showing
-ious, -ouscharacterised bypious, jealous, religious, ridiculous
-ise, -izebecomepublicise, synthesise, hypnotise
-ishhaving the quality ofsqueamish, sheepish, childish
-ismdoctrine, beliefJudaism, scepticism, escapism
-istperson or object that does a specified actionGeologist, protagonist, sexist, scientist, theorist, communist
-ity, -tyquality ofextremity, validity, enormity
-ivehaving the nature ofinquisitive, informative, attentive
-lesswithout, not affected byfriendless, tireless
-lesswithoutmeaningless, hopeless, homeless
-lyforming an adjectiveclearly, hourly
-lyrelated to or qualitysoftly, slowly, happily, crazily, madly
-mentconditionenchantment, argument
-nessdenoting a state or conditionkindness, wilderness
-nessstate of beingheaviness, highness, sickness
-shipposition heldfriendship, hardship, internship
-sion, -tionstate of beingposition, promotion, cohesion
-ward,-wardsdirectiontowards, afterwards, backwards, inward
-wisein relation tootherwise, likewise, clockwise
-yfull of, denoting a condition, or a diminutiveglory, messy, victory
-ycharacterised bydainty, beauty, airy, jealousy

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